Bluejays pep it up

Bradyn Porter, writer

It’s homecoming week which means that you better get pumped up. Pep assemblies, parades and a football game in one week. That’s right, football, volleyball, golf, softball players and many more will get you excited for the game Friday.

Monday-Rapper Rocker Country

Tuesday-Favorite Movie Character

Wednesday- Superhero vs Villain

Thursday-Bleed Blue

Friday-Lumberjack Day

Here are your Bluejays times for the mini-pep rallies on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017.  

Shook: 9:00-9:25

Hubble: 9:50-10:15

Webster: 10:25-10:50

Junior High 12:22-12:47

Friday 9/29

MHS 2:00-3:10

MHS Pep Assembly