May 1, 2019, Sonia Tiebi uploaded a video to X and Facebook containing her daughter, CeCe and CeCe’s father (who is unnamed publicly). The daughter, who was 7 at the time, drew a picture of her mother. The father laughs while the mother contained her laughter.
It starts with Tiebi asking to see the result of a ten minute portrait CeCe was working on. CeCe was ashamed and didn’t want to show the drawing. CeCe still didn’t believe that mom and dad liked the drawing. Tiebi asks more about the drawing and asks the infamous question, ”What’s that? Is that hyperpigmentation?”
Little did they all know, they would be a viral sensation. In 2022, it was uploaded again on TikTok but went viral. The resurgence of virality happened in light of the TikTok ban to reminisce on old memes. This year, the daughter and mother recreated the viral video. This was for the daughter’s 13 birthday.
Many people created their own versions of the meme. From cookies to realistic art, this meme has impacted many people. On the drawing, there is an infamous black circle on the cheek of the drawing that Tiebi called “hyperpigmentation.” According to the National Cancer Institute, hyperpigmentation is “A common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin are darker than the surrounding skin.”