Goodbye Seniors

Kaylee Wallace, Editor

After 13 years of school, it is time for us to say goodbye to our seniors. Throughout high school, they have enjoyed FFA, Mr. H’s theater productions, JAG, bonding with teammates, pep assemblies, football games, and several band events. They have all kept busy these past four years and have accumulated different advice from their own experiences. Such as making sure to stay involved and to try new things, to just sitting back and choosing your own experience to make high school less stressful.

“Just do your best and find the right people who will push you to see your full potential,” said Allyson Trantham. 

Many accomplishments have been made and even after all the hard work, many share that they are scared to graduate because they aren’t sure what’s to happen next. One of the biggest accomplishments that almost everyone in the senior class agreed with was making it this far in what felt like such a quick time. After graduating high school, several plan on going to various colleges, while some would just prefer to work and not have to go back to school.

“After high school, I am going to move to South Dakota to sing,” said Shaelie Porter. “When I went to state last year for singing, someone who owns a big theater production heard my video from state and asked me to go up there and sing in their shows.”

Overall, all the seniors are excited to graduate, even if they are a little nervous. Even if high school seems to go by slowly, it seems quick after it’s all over, according to Kyler Massie. 

“Don’t be ready to graduate. Take your time and enjoy it,“ said Kendall Ivie.

What has been your favorite memory? What has been your biggest accomplishment? What classes have been surprisingly fun? Were you in any activities that you would recommend? What advice would you give to other students? How do you feel about graduating? What are your plans after graduation?
Autume Amaro “Definitely meeting all of my friends I have now” “Graduation “Mythology” “FFA” “Make the memories and enjoy it” “Scared but happy” “Working”
Rania Barth “Closing night of Boys Next Door” “Getting into my first pick college and getting a heer scholarship” “Law ad You was so much fun” “Definitely theater, it’s one big family” “Try new things, this is your time to experiment and learn who you are” “It feels very odd, it’s like reading the last page of a book that ends on a cliffhanger” “Attending Fontbonne University for 4 years, then transferring to WashUto become a lawyer.”
Gabriella Bell “Finding ou online school was a thing and it finally becoming an option” “Probably passing geometry, I’m bad at math” “I’ve enjoyed Mythology, Creative Writing, Psychology, and Sociology” “Take a break, it’s okay to have a breather.” “It’ll take the stress off of my shoulders. I’m ready to move onto bigger things in the workforce” “Not sure. I would like to join the workforce and do online classes though”
Marcus Blackstock “Friday Nights of Football” “Having current school records for the 4×200 and 4×100 relay times” “Ecology, the class was fun because Mrs. Fields made it fun” “Any sport. It’s always worth it in the end” “Don’t become a procrastinator, it will ruin your school year and add stress” “Very happy and ready to start the next season of my life” “Go to OTC to major in Cybersecurity”
Tate Boles “When we beat Logan-Rogersville in football this year” “Maintaining good grades and being accepted into NHS” “Mock Trial an Accounting was fun” “Mock Trial and FBLA are good for kids wanting to go to college”  “Just be HAPPY, it’s not hard” “I’m not sure yet, to be honest. It hasn’t hit me yet” “Go to MSU to study computer science”
Shelby Caffey “Mrs. Glenn’s class” “Completing school” “Psychology” “Student Council and FCCLA” Live your life and seriously enjoy every moment of high school no matter how much you may not like it because senior year goes by fast. “It feels weird to graduate” “Attend OTC to become an RN”
Emily Cross “Senior skip day” “Passing my paraprofessional with the best scores the tester has ever seen” “Woodshop” “Stop caring what other people think. Do what you want” “I’m excited but also scared. I’m done with school, but also I can’t believe I have to be an adult now” “Going to college as an early childhood education major”
Cora Davis “Being able to do A+ with littles” “Passing my classes” “Ceramics class” “Pass your classes and focus just as much as hanging out with friends” “I think I’m glad that I’ve made it” “I plan to attend MSU and get a master’s degree in early childhood education”
Maggie Grace “Going to the pep assemblies with my teammates” “Getting certified as a nurse’s assistant through OTC” “Chemistry and all of the PLTW classes with Mrs. Houk” “I recommend being involved with both the swim team and NHS” “Volunteer!!! Even if it’s something small, you won’t regret it” “Very happy, but scared of all the change” “Attending Central Methodist University to study athletic training”
Delany Graham “When some boys dressed up in dresses and heels to raise money” “Finding out who I am and who I want to surround me” “Yearbook! To see your work in people’s hands is an amazing feeling.” “I will always say cheer! It gives you a great family.” “Don’t stress too much too much and keep up on your work and you’ll be golden! Just have fun!” “I’m excited and scared. I’m ready to move on, but scared to leave the high school” “Going to OTC fot business, then a university for interior design”
Kyle Hobbs “Friday Night football games” “Maintaing a good GPA and finding a carrer path” “Music appreciation” “Football” “Don’t take time for granted because it’ll go by fast” “I’m excited to graduate and move on for my future” “Going to college to become a teacher”
Emily Heitman “Going to SDC in FCCLA” “Getting my grades up towards the end of the year” “Fashion and apparel design, drawing, bel canto choir” “FCCLA is fun and we get to do cool fundraisers” “Try to focus and breathe, and if you need help, just ask your teachers” “I’m excited to graduate” “I’m going to wait a year then go to college”
Marshall Henderson “My best memories were my worst moments” “Being the best worst kid” “You are still a kid, act like it”
Kendall Ivie “My favorite memory is breaking this dude’s ankles in freshmen basketball” “Making enough money to buy my truck” “Taking ProStart class” “I would reccommend FBLA, baseball and basketball” “Don’t be ready to graduate. Take your time and enjoy it” “I want to graduate, but I’m not ready to do it this soon” “Not sure yet”
Macie James  “The first assembly that I got to MC at, it was really special to me” “Who I have grown to be. I have changed so much and become the person I would look up to” “All the PBS classes that Mrs. Hauk teaches” “I would always recommend Women’s Wrestling” “I would tell people that no one cares about what you think is weird, just do what you want.” “I’m so ready to graduate, I’m excited to move forward with my life and become someone who matters” “I plan on going to William Woods University to wrestle”
Cooper Jester “Coming back to school when the COVID restrictions were lifted” “Graduating “ “Any of the CAD or engineering classes” “Track and field” “Take it slow. The older you get, the faster time flies” “Bittersweet. I’m ready to leave the school, but I’m not ready to graduate” “I’m going to move onto college to study computer science”
Oliva Kessinger  “The opportunity to go to state for FFA three years in a row” “Getting to be an officer in multiple clubs. I held in office for 3 years in FCCLA and I was the historian officer in FFA this year” “My whole high school perspective  changed by Ag Science 1!” “I was involved in FFA, FCCLA, Student Council, and Track and Field! I would recommend all” “Enjoy your time while it’s here because before you know it, you’ll be graduating and walking across the stage. Take time in everything and live a little!”  “Lots of emotions! Sad, excited, and grateful! I’m sad it’s over, but excited to see what’s ahead of me and I’m forever grateful for everyone who has helped me!” “I plan to attend OTC, then transfer to wherever life takes me! I want to currently pursue something in agriculture”
Bridget Kincaid  “Barn warming my freshman year” “Just getting through high school in general” “Biology with Ms. Taylor” “FFA, Jaywalkers, and Track” “Even when you feel like giving up on school or a sport, just remember it’s almost over and it’ll be over faster than you think. Don’t give up on something you love. I made that mistake with Jaywalking” “I’m so excited about graduating!” “I plan on going to Paul Mitchell, the cosmetology school”
Riley Manary “Being able to play in all my sports” “Playing 3 sports, being in FFA, and NHS. I’ve been able to have success in it all and I’m so proud of that” “I’ve enjoyed the Ag classes” “I’d recommend soccer, the coach is very welcoming. As well as NHS and Ag” “Have fun and be involved in actives throughout your years” “I am excited, but it is also bittersweet” “After graduation I plan on going to the College of the Ozarks”
Kyler Massie “Playing baseball” “Achieving Academic All-State” “CAD” “Baseball”  “The days are long and the years are short” “Mixed emotions?” “Attend OTC’s lineman school”
Taylor Mcberty “All the trips I got to go on for my classes” “Being a part of the yearbook team and being able to see a year’s worth of work” “Film studies” “Yearbook” “Take all your required classes early, so that way you can have a shorter schedule your senior year” “It feels unreal, but I’m excited.4 years ago I thought graduation was so far away, but they went by so fast” “I’m not sure, but I do pla on going to college later on”
Anna Metz “One memory that sticks out was playing in Carnegie Hall. But I have so many other great ones!” “Getting to play at Carnegie Hall. It was a wonderful experience to share with other band members” “I enjoyed journalism more than I thought I would. Then I took yearbook and had an awesome experience” “Everyone is different, but I recommend getting involved with something” “Savor the moment. You’ll feel so done, but in the end, you’ll be sad it’s over!” “Right now I’m ready to graduate, but my feelings are always changing” “After graduation, I plan on going to MSU”
Chante Michaud “Getting to try out different things” “Attending lots of debate tournaments” “Psychology and Prostart” “Debate and Colorguard.” “Things will get hard, but you have to push through and you’ll be so glad you did” “I”m nervous, but excited” “Going straight to the workforce, but possibly getting a degree in business”
Shaelie Porter “First day of freshman year” “Going to state for singing” “Playing soccer” “Enjoy it while you can because it flies by like nothing else” “It feels so surreal and it doesn’t feel real” “Moving to South Dakota to sing for a theater production”
Clayton Robertson “Mrs. Clark’s DND club sophomore year. That’s where I met my best friend’ “Sociology with Mr. Holt” “I would say them all! It only takes the right one to change your life” “Enjoy your time and at least turn in the work because even unfinished assignments are better than none”
Bayley Simmons  “I’m happy to participate in several different activities” “I was able to go to state in FFA and track twice” “Ecology 2. I am so glad we were able to take it this year” “Be in a variety of activities because you befriend many people you normally wouldn’t” “Try your best and make the most out of every situation” “I am ready to be done with high school, but sad to leave my classmates” “I plan on attending OTC and take the EMS program to become an EMT while taking other courses”
Kerri Siska  “Painting the sets for the play with Mrs. Hyde” “Getting an academic letter” “Film Studies. I thought it was going to be boring” “Colorguard made me enjoy school more than anything else” “Stay on top of your attendance and assignments, it’s what really counts” “I’m excited and a little nervous. I don’t know how college will turn out” “I plan to attend OTC for two years with a business degree then switch to MSU for major and minor. One in art another in business”
Micheal Stasiak  “Performing at Carnegie Hall in NYC” “Becoming my own person” “Wood Tech” “Band and Choir” “Have fun while you’re in school because it doesn’t last long” “I’m ready to start a new life outside of high school” “Attend MSU in the fall and major in music ed”
Allison Steffen  “All of the FFA activities” “Winning state proficiency award” “FFA” “Work hard and just get it done” “I feel good” “I’m not sure yet”
Shawn Summers  “Making podcasts for Mr. Mason’s class with Josh” “Maintaining good grades” “Ecology with Mrs. Fields” “Spirit days. Dress up even if you think it’s stupid now” “Don’t be afraid to talk to the teachers” “I’ve been waiting for this forever, but it feels like it went by in a snap” “Work up until I’m making six figures”
Allyson Trantham “Becoming a part of JAG” “Going to state for speech” “Child Development and JAG” “JAG most definitely” “Just do your best and find the right people who will push you to your full potential”  “I’m scared, to be honest, but also excited” “Going to OTC for early childhood education then transferring to become a teacher” 
Andrew Whitecotton  “The Wizard of Oz” “Participating in district concert band” “Business classes” “Pep band” “Be involved as much as possible” “I’m excited, but also a little sad” “Go to OTC for Electrical Technician and march at MSU in the fall”