Springing Into Sports

Kaylee Wallace, Editor

As winter sports have come to an end, spring sports have begun. This year’s spring sports are girls soccer, boys golf, track and baseball. The soccer and baseball teams had their first jamborees on March 10 in Lebanon. The first activity for the boys golf team was the Highland Springs Golf Clinic on March 21 and the first meet for this track season was an only throwers meet in Willard on March 17. 

The coaches are excited for this season while trying to always improve. The track motto for this season is “Next Level,” which means to work harder and stronger. 

The ultimate goal for all of the sports is to make it to state as well as small other goals. For baseball, they would like to have a 20 win season, the golf team would like to place first at the Cassville Invitational and the soccer team would like to make great improvements all throughout this season. 

“I want the boys to love the game as much as I do in hopes that they will continue to play long after high school,” said boys golf coach Reggie Smith.