Veterans Day at MHS

Morgan Wilkerson

Happy Veterans Day. At MHS for Veterans day this year, the FFCLA group set up a breakfast and lunch for the Veterans visiting our school this year. There was an assembly to honor the Veterans and to teach the students at MHS about Veterans Day. To many people at our school Veterans Day means a lot.

Garrett Clark, a freshman, has friends and family in the military, “Veterans Day means a lot to me, because my grandpa was a Marine. He used to go on the big ships and used to say he was waiting to go to Cuba.”

Sadly Clark’s grandpa passed away and wasn’t able to come to come to our school. 

Mason Cartee, a sophomore, has a great uncle in the military, Mason didn’t know his position. To Cartee “Veterans Day is a day to remember those who have lost their lives and served in the military to protect our country.”

Cartee’s uncle was not able to come to our school.

Bre Jones, a junior, had an uncle in the military. “I think it’s important, because I had an uncle in the Military, especially since he was in Vietnam. There are so many discriminatory things, and I really think it’s important.” 

His uncle was in the US Army. Jones uncle wasn’t able to come to our school.

Matthew Crawley, a sophomore said, “We support our veterans and, people have given their lives for our country and we need to respect that.”

Victoria Loczkow, a senior Loxzkow’s dad’s position isn’t known. “Veterans Day means that you give honor to the people who served.” 

Her dad isn’t able to come to the assembly or breakfast.