Student President

Morgan Wilkerson

The student body presidents have been announced 

The freshman class president is Molly Henry.

She said, “It’s just like keeping everyone in order.”

One of her responsibilities is the Homecoming parade. Her favorite things about MHS are the teachers and students.  


The sophomore class president is Bradley Shipman.

“I feel pretty good about it because it’s a nice role to have and a good way to contribute to the school,” Shipman said.

His responsibilities will be designing for the sophomore class float.  He is most excited for bringing his own assets to the school. His favorite thing about the school is everyone. 


The junior class president is Bobby Pinion.

Pinion likes being class president because,  “It gives me something to do.”

One of the main responsibilities for all the class president’s is building and designing the homecoming floats for the parade. Pinion is most excited for running again in his senior year. His favorite thing about MHS are the sports. 


The senior class president is Delaney Foster. 

She likes it and she said “I don’t have a lot of work, well not as much as I thought I would.”

She will ,of course, be designing the float for the parade and she will be planning the 10 and 20 year high school reunion. She is most excited for the homecoming float and parade. Her favorite thing about MHS is that she knows everybody.   

Congratulations to the class presidents of 2022-2023.