Academics On the Rise

Angela Hoefer

Academic team members Boden Fairweather, Duncan Young, William Cannon, Cecil Cantrell-Harris, Cora Johnson, Anna Derossett, Hope Coleman, Kaitlyn Riggins, Mackenna Mendes, Haliegh Valdreau, Mickael Brazeal, Ian Admire, Preston Dotson, Aiden Hughey, Breanna Hyder, Emily Grooms, and Kaleah Burks.

Kaylee Wallace, Editor

This year gifted teacher Angela Hoefer is giving students a chance to participate in an academic team. This is a new opportunity for Bluejays here at Marshfield High School. This team is a group of students who study for a wide variety of different subjects and participate in meets with several teams from different schools. 

“Several of my junior high gifted students were on the academic team with Mrs. Todd at the junior high and there was no academic team at the high school,” Hoefer said regarding her inspiration for starting up this team. 

She had said that many of her students were frustrated when they found out that the high school didn’t offer a quiz bowl team. Math teacher Claudette Todd at the junior high, with the help of the gifted students on the academic team, encouraged Hoefer to start up a team here. “It took a while though! This is actually the third time I have tried,” Hoefer said. 

Hoefer mentioned that “our main goals right now are to learn all the rules and to just practice answering questions as if we were at a meet.” 

She said that in her practices the goal is to be able to successfully be able to run mock trails that are as realistic as possible so the students are prepared for meets as they come. The team’s goal is to attend at least six meets for their first year. 

Academic team is not only just an opportunity for learning, but also to get involved and feel like you belong. If you are interested in joining the team, Hoefer said to send her an email or stop by her room, room 309, and she will get back to you and let you in on more information.