Choices Pregnancy Center Donation Drive
November 8, 2019
On Nov. 2-3rd, Marshfield High School held a donation drive for Choices Pregnancy Center from 12-3 p.m. by the front office. According to the flyer for the event, Choices Pregnancy Center is a non-profit organization that helps console and support pregnant women. The pregnancy center offers ultrasounds, birthing and parenting classes where the women can earn points to get items for their baby or maternity clothing for them. The flyer also mentions all of these are free and confidential.
Anyone who would like to participate in donating, some items that you can donate include, diapers, wipes, clothing for children up to 12 months, lotion and soaps, pacifiers, bottles, blankets, toys, maternity clothes, money is also a great thing to donate.
The donation drive was put on by MHS senior Alexis Lafuze. Lafuze chose to do this donation drive for Choices Pregnancy Center for her senior project, because she knows first hand how important Choices Pregnancy Center is to many different mothers.
I’ve reached out to Choices Pregnancy Center, and have not yet heard back.