Meet the Jays

Destin Schroeder, Writer

A new school year at MHS this season brings new faces in to fill in the shoes of the past seniors. One of the biggest steps in doing that, is through sports. Each fall sports and activities were included in this year’s “Meet the Jays.” Those sports and activities included: band, Cheerleaders, Jaywalkers, football, volleyball, boys soccer, cross country, softball, girls golf and boys swimming. This year, there were 2 separate “Meet the Jays” events, with the first one being held on Saturday, August 17, and t was centered around football, band, cross country and softball. The second event on August 22, introduced sports such as volleyball, girls golf, and boys swim. Meet the Jays is an ideal opportunity to introduce the senior class for this years’ sports.

MHS Athletic Director, Rhonda Hubbard, shared her feelings on the Meet the Jays, “I love that it is a community event that allows the community to “meet the jays”, recognize seniors, and explore the many ways people can become involved and support the Booster Club.”

This won’t be the last time you see a “Meet the Jays’ event this school year, as there are plans for a winter sports event as well.