Girls Computer science to Chamber of Commerce

Bradyn Porter, writer

On Monday, the girls in computer science and GO-CAPS ate lunch with computer science experts and learned a lot from them. This trip was to bring girls from computer science together from all different schools.They had a few speakers to talk to them. One of them was a women named Miranda Provence, who ran a company about computer science.

Provence was there to tell the girls that computer science is not about just guys doing it. Another speaker there, Dr. Ford, who is a member at OTC, spoke to the girls about different degrees you can get through OTC short-term and long-term.

The jobs you can get out of this, can start up to $30 an hour which is $60,000 a year. Teacher David Gray stated, “Right now, there are over a million jobs open for computer science related jobs. In five years from now, there will be over three million jobs open and they need people to fill those jobs.”  They need women to fill those jobs due to mostly cause there are mostly men. Sophomore Chelsie Edwards said, “It was a fun experience and I certainly learned a lot from it.”