Wrestling For the Top

Marshfield Wrestlers pose for a photo during Blue and White

Ethan Ragsdel, Writer

On Nov. 9, the Marshfield wrestling team held Blue and White. Blue and White is an event where the wrestlers split into two teams, one blue and one white. This event determines the varsity and JV depth order. There were a total of 29 matches with a dual score being kept. The White team lost and will serve the Blue team at their annual holiday party. Coach Holt says, “ We were able to see our guys and girls compete in a live controlled situation. We saw some good things and came out healthy.”

This event gives everyone an equal chance to earn a spot on the varsity team. Take sophomore Brady Brooks, for example, he said “Whenever I went, I ended up winning the match for the Varsity 32 spot.” The team looks to start off the year strong with both boy’s and girl’s varsity teams opening up the year on the Nov. 27.