Senior night against Willard
The team together before the big game.
October 12, 2018
Prior to the varsity game on Monday, the seniors on the softball team were recognized. October 8 was senior night for the softball girls. After playing their hearts out, the Jays flew away with an 8 – 6 win against the Willard Tigers.
The seniors that were recognized Monday night was Izzy Harrison, Camryn Smith, Courtney Duncan, and Hayleigh Clift and they played their hardest that game as the Bluejays won. That was their last home game and they’re happy that they could end the final chapter with a win. When asked about how she felt about the game, senior Izzy Harrison stated, “I think the game went really well. We all put our emotions aside with it being senior night and we buckled down and got the win.”
The player that stood out though was sophomore Takiya Douglas. She helped the team score two runs and two RBI’s. Also, freshman Hayleigh Cantrell, freshman Kiana Massie, senior Camryn Smith, senior Izzy Harrison, and senior Courtney Duncan scored to help get the victory. They went on to lose their final district game against Hillcrest @ Rogersville.