Picture Day, Say Cheese!
Freshman Lindsay Capps, Bria Marlin, Ellie Hartman, and Maddie Coltrane are all ready in line to get their picture taken.
August 30, 2018
Picture day is one of the most stressful days. Waking up early to make sure you look your best, nobody wants to look bad in their school picture. Making sure that your hair is in place, your outfit is awesome and your smile is perfection is a big deal. “Getting all dressed up is tiring, but I like getting my picture taken,” says freshman Shaylee Riddick.
The outcome isn’t always the best. You either love it or hate it. You’re all prepped and ready to go and you’ve even practiced your smile. Then it’s time to take the picture and you completely forget how to smile! You get your picture back and can’t even look at it because you look like you’re terrified. You can’t say that it hasn’t happen to you because we all know everybody’s definitely taken a bad picture or two over the years. Freshman Breanna Pohlenz says, “I get out of class and that’s cool but it lowers my self esteem because I look horrible in the picture.”
The photographer can be either good or bad. You could get a great photographer who will let you make sure your picture looks good. You could also get the photographer that immediately takes your picture without giving you any time to get prepared. “The guy I got took my picture right when I sat down. I barely even had time to put my hands on my lap,” says freshman Haley Blankenship.
Getting out of class for picture day doesn’t always come in your or your teachers’ favor. Getting out of class means you miss what you’re doing for that class. For the teacher that can be stressful, if one whole class is behind on their work and the rest of the classes are ahead it can get complicated. Missing class also means more homework, and nobody likes homework. Therefore getting out of class to go take your stressful school picture isn’t always fun.
Picture day isn’t always fun for the photographers either. They have to listen to a whole bunch of noisy kids all day. Some kids maybe even be difficult to take pictures of because they don’t listen. Some kids also want to retake their picture at least one hundred times, which could probably get frustrating. Therefore it’s probably just as awful for the photographer as it is for you.
There are always the good and the bad things about picture day. At the end of the day when it’s over you’re probably just ready to get out of those clothes. No matter if your picture is bad or good, you only have to deal with it for a year. Next time remember to not think about your smile, dress nice, and always be ready because you never know when they’ll take the picture.