Center Stage Fundraising
February 7, 2018
Love participating in plays or speech and debate? Then Center Stage is the place to be. Center Stage is currently raising money to support the theater program by selling sodas and getting patrons. Soda’s are $3 and are sold in H’s room.
“Patrons are people or organizations who donate money to the show and are listed in the program,” says senior Hannah Zimmerman.
Zimmerman also says “The people of Marshfield are very generous and are very willing to support our department.”
There are about 15 people in Center Stage including their five officers.
“Me as president, Parker as vice president, Tatum Manary is our public rep and Samuel Jackson and Avery Brown make up our snack squad,” Zimmerman says.
Zimmerman explains that Center Stage is “not just for actors,” it’s a “theater support group.”
Center Stage has meetings every other Wednesday, so if you’re interested in theater and speech and debate, checkout Center Stage in H’s room 407.