GOCAPS open house

January 31, 2018
On Monday, Jan. 29, Greater Ozarks Centers for Advanced Professional Studies (GOCAPS) held an open house for people that are interested in the Medicine and Health Care portion of GOCAPS. Any student that is a junior or senior in High School and who meets all the qualifications may apply.
The meeting was run by students who are apart of GOCAPS already. These students put together a presentation about what GOCAPS is and what these students will be expected to do. GOCAPS offers a morning session from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or an afternoon session from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. At the beginning of the year students will purchase scrubs to wear on certain days. When they are not wearing scrubs, the students will have a dress code they must follow. The dress code includes business casual at a minimum, t-shirts and open toed shoes are not allowed. They also suggest you do not wear low cut shirts, since you will be bending down, and it is better for the girls to wear pants, instead of risking their skirt not being long enough. Also, heels do not work in a hospital setting, the GOCAPS instructors recommend getting a pair of flats.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday when the students are not job shadowing they will be in a classroom either at Mercy or Cox College. Depending on what you are doing that day will depend on what classroom you will be in. Throughout the year students will be responsible for completing partner projects, as well as a Capstone. Students will be responsible for staying up to date on all their vaccinations.
One of the requirements for GOCAPS is a way to get to and from the hospitals and school. The GOCAPS team offers many services for anyone who is interested in GOCAPS, but driving there each day might be an issue. The instructors could possibly set you up with a ride each day and if gas is a problem, then there are scholarships you can apply for to help with gas.
If you are wanting to apply to the Medicine and Healthcare field of GOCAPS go to www.gocaps.org, and the application is listed under enrollment. GOCAPS will be taking in the applications until Thursday, March 1.