New t-shirts come to Marshfield High School

Jordyn Koons, Editor

On Nov. 29, 2017, Kim Fields began selling Fergie Thursday shirts for $12. Originally 100 shirts were purchased and 50 of the shirts have been sold.

“MESA began selling the shirts in order to raise money to go to the AQHA World Finals in Oklahoma City in 2018,” said Fields.

For those that do not know, Fergie is Fields’s dog, which also happens to be Marshfield High School’s therapy dog.

Fields said, “Fergie is so sweet that I thought she would be good for others. She makes so many people happy.”

Fergie has been coming to Marshfield High School for the last 5 years, usually every Thursday.

“It is fun having Fergie come on Thursday’s because then you get to have her in your class and pet her on Thursday, then the next day is Friday which is just as great!” said Marshfield High School junior Tayler Koons.

If you are wishing to buy your own Fergie Thursday shirt they are still being sold for $12  in Mrs. Fields’s room. Come and buy yours today!